I really didn't realize how much handbags I own. Actually, I wear only 30% of them and the others are crammed in the closed waiting for "the right time".…
Browsing Category
Only a month until my birthday! I'm turning 30. And what is a holiday without lots of gifts? So I decided to share a list of things I like, but I never…
The night of 30 October is one of my favorites. Halloween is no longer just about witches and vampires. For one night I can be whatever I want to be…
Summer may be over, but I keep looking at the sandals on the shop displays. I even managed to take advantage of the discounts and got some great models. This season the…
We all know that fashion is not a constant. It periodically changes its shape, size, and color. Sometimes it returns to old and forgotten trends to give them a new life, and…