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I really didn’t realize how much handbags I own. Actually, I wear only 30% of them and the others are crammed in the closed waiting for “the right time”. The truth is bags stored in this way they lose their original form, and when I finally want to wear them, they look like shit.

As I’ve already mentioned in one of my previous posts, I have decided to get rid of all unnecessary items I own. This also applies to the handbags that I don’t wear and just store in the closet. I want only 5-6 classy and quality handbags. But how do I keep them sturdy for a longer time? The answer to that question came with an e-mail presenting me a new interesting product – the handbag hanger Lady’s Hand.

The name is chosen for a reason – the design imitates the way that the handbag is worn in a woman’s hand. With that product, I can extend the life of my favorite bags. There are six handbags in the box – five of them I left home and the last one is always with me. It doesn’t take up much space because of the compact and comfortable size. And you never know when you will need it – in the office, at the cafeteria, or while shopping.

You can order your Lady’s Hand kit or read more about the product here.